Ninh Binh is a southernmost coastal province of the Red River Delta, bordering Ha Nam to the north, with Nam Dinh to the east and northeast, with Tonkin Gulf to the southeast, with Hoa Binh Bay to the northwest, and Hoa Binh province to the south.
This land of the Qin dynasty (255-207 BC) belonged to the Statue of the district. In the Northern period of the second (207 BC-542 BC), under the Han Dynasty in Giao Chi District, Ngo Dynasty (266-280) and Tan Dynasty (280-420) in Giao Chau, until the end of the salary life (502- 542) is Châu Yên Yên. When Ly Nam De defeated the Luong army and founded Tien Ly Dynasty (542-602), it was still the Truong Yen continent of Van Xuan country. In the Northern period under the 3rd (603-905) under the Sui and Tang dynasties, this land was still Truong Yen.
When Dinh Bo Linh finished defeating the 12 warlords who reunited the country and established the Dinh dynasty (968-980) to set up its capital in Hoa Lu, this land was called Dai Hoang of Dai Co Viet. In the reign of Tien Le (981-1009), it was called Truong Yen. During the Ly dynasty (1010-1225), it was called Truong Yen government, later called the Dai Hoang dynasty of Dai Co Viet nation. At the beginning of the Tran life, it was called the road, later it was changed to Truong Yen town. The 10th Quang Thai year (1398) of Tran Thuan Tong's time was changed to Thien Quan town.
During the Ming period (1407-1428), it was again called the Changzhou continent. According to Dai Thanh unanimously (of China), Phu Kien Binh received a continent of Truong Yen and 6 districts of Y Yen, Dai Loan, Yen Ban, Vong Doanh, Yen Ninh and Le Binh, meaning some districts. in today's Nam Dinh province. According to Thien Ha district, in the national interest of cancer, in the fifth year of Vinh Lac (1407), Châu Trường Yên entered Kien Bình district, including 4 districts of Yên Mo, Uy Viễn, Yên Ninh and Lê Bình. In Vinh Lac 6 (1408) entered Uy Vien district into Truong Yen district, in 1415 it entered Yen Mo district into Yen Ninh district, in 1419 entered Le Binh district into Truong Yen district.

Until the Le dynasty, it was still like the Tran dynasty. Thieu Binh dynasty (1434-1440) under the Le Thai Tong dynasty (1433-1442) was divided into two districts: Truong Yen and Thien Quan belonging to Thanh Hoa town (Thanh Hoa today) including 6 districts. Truong Yen has 3 districts: Gia Vien, Yen Khang and Yen Mo; Thien Quan government manages 3 districts of Phung Hoa, Ninh Hoa and Lac Tho. During the reign of Hong Duc (1470-1498), Le Thanh Tong allowed to import those two provinces into Son Nam. The Mac dynasty (1527-1592) referred to these two towns as the suburban Thanh Hoa, separated from the inner Thanh Hoa by the Tam Diep mountain range. The Le Trung Hung was based in Thanh Hoa. From Truong Yen government to the north, the Mac dynasty is under control; except Truong Yen returned, starting in 1533 by the Lê Trung Dynasty. The two places Thanh Hoa in town and Thanh Hoa in the outskirts have been there since. After the Mac dynasty was destroyed (1592), the Le dynasty brought two Truong Yen and Thien Quan prefectures into Thanh Hoa called Thanh Hoa outside town. In the Tay Son period, it was also called Thanh Hoa outside the city in the North.

Under the Nguyen dynasty, the old regime was still the same: Thanh Hoa, a suburban town of Truong Yen and Thien Quan, had 6 districts of Yen Mo, Yen Khang, Gia Vien, Yen Hoa, Phung Hoa and Lac Tho.

Gia Long 5 th year (1806) changed the Hoa Thanh bar town outside called Thanh Binh religion still belongs to Thanh Hoa town. In the second Minh Minh year (1821), the name of Truong Yen was changed to Yen Khanh. In the third year of Menh (1822), Thanh Binh was renamed to Ninh Binh. Places Ninh Binh has since, but is still a religion in the town of Thanh Hoa. In the 10th year of Minh Menh (1829), it was changed to Ninh Binh town, placing the rulers as Tran Tran, Ninh Binh Hiep, and the rulers as Tran, Hiep and Hiep as other towns. years in Bắc Thành. Also in 1829, the establishment of Kim Son district was established by the Palace of Ambassador Nguyen Cong Tru, reclaiming wasteland and coastal alluvial soil.

In the 12th year of Ming Dynasty (1831), Ninh Binh was changed into Ninh Binh province and the Northern city was abandoned under the administrative reform program of Minh Par. Ninh Binh province under the Nguyen dynasty has 2 districts including 7 districts. Phu Yen district consisted of 4 districts of Yen Khanh, Yen Mo and Gia Vien (at that time including the two districts of Gia VIhi Hoa Lu immediately and Kim Son. , Yên Hòa (Lê dynasty called Ninh Hóa, comprising part of Nho Quan district and part of present-day Gia Vien district) and Yên Lạc district (formerly Lac Tho, later Lac Yên, today Lac Sơn district, Hòa Bình province) ).

During the French colonial period, there were some changes, such as cutting Yen Lac district into Hoa Binh province, renaming Phung Hoa district into Nho Quan district and Gia Khanh district including part of Gia Vien district and part of Yen Khanh district.

In 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born, Ninh Binh was one of the early provinces with the Party base and revolutionary movement. The base of Quỳnh Lưu base is one of the three centers of the pre-uprising Quang Trung War Zone. The guerrilla zones of Khanh Trung and Khanh Thien are resilient anti-French bases. During the anti-American war, Ninh Binh maintained the North-South traffic circuit. Ninh Binh army and people shot down 90 American planes. Ninh Binh Province has been conferred the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the State ...

Prior to the August Revolution (1945), Ninh Binh had 6 independent district governments (unmanaged districts including two districts of Nho Quan, Yen Khanh, Gia Vien, Gia Khanh, Kim Son and Yen Mo) together with the town. Ninh Binh.

After the August Revolution (1945), in some provinces and cities with names of famous people or historical places, Ninh Binh named famous people or historical places, Ninh Binh was named Hoa Lu province for a short time. . District governments are collectively referred to as districts, consisting of 6 districts and one town. But on October 9, 1945, the Government Council decided that the provinces regained their former names, so that Hoa Lu was again called Ninh Binh province in Tonkin, then called Tonkin.

During the anti-French resistance war (1946-1954), Ninh Binh province belonged to zone 3. On January 25, 1948, the zones 2, 3 and 11 were merged into the inter-area, Ninh Binh belonged to Inter-region 3.

After the reunification day, in 1976 Ninh Binh merged with Ha Nam province (including Nam Dinh and Ha Nam) into Ha Nam Ninh province and in 1977 then merged the two districts of Nho Quan and Gia Vien into Hoang Long district, merged Yen Mo district and 10 communes of Yen Khanh district become Tam Diep district, merge Kim Son district and 9 communes of Yen Khanh district into Kiem Son district, merge Gia Khanh district and Ninh Binh town into Hoa Lu district. At that time, the old land of Ninh Binh was only 4 districts in Ha Nam Ninh province, Ninh Binh town became a town of Hoa Lu district.

On 9.4.1981 again divided Hoang Long district into 2 districts: Hoang Long and Gia Vien. In December 2001, the 10th National Assembly decided to separate Ninh Binh province from Ha Nam Ninh province. Ninh Binh returned to the former province when it included 7 administrative units of Ninh Binh town, Tam Diep town and 5 districts of Hoang Long, Hoa Lu, Gia Vien, Tam Diep and Kim Son.

In November 1999, the name of Hoang Long district was changed to Nho Quan district. May 7.1994, renamed Tam Diep district back to the old name Yen Mo and re-established Yen Khanh district.

To date, Ninh Binh is a province with an area of 1387.5 km2 with a population of 93,000 people, including 8 administrative units (1 city, 1 town and 6 districts): Ninh Binh city, town Tam Diep, Nho Quan district, Gia Vien district, Hoa Lu district, Yen Mo district, Yen Khanh district and Kim Son district.

(According to the celebrity of Ninh Binh land)

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